Friday 15 June 2012


15th June 2012

Raul Lall (aka Chris) can be seen in this pic third from left! This is the first time in history as far as anyone has been able to determine - that a member of the Lokono-Arawak Tribal Nation has become an Olympic athlete!

Raul Lall ( aka Chris ) is a proud Member of both the House of Water Judo & Rising Sun Judo Clubs in Guyana; South America. He was born on 27th July 1994.

He has represented Guyana in several International competitions:

* Barbados Independence International Judo Tournament - in December 2010 - where he captured the Gold medal for the Under 60kgs category.

* Dominican Republic Senior Caribbean championship in March, 2011- where he won the Bronze medal in the Under 66kgs category.

* Panama City at the Caribbean/Latin American Judo Championship in March 2012 - where he won the Silver medal in the Under 60kgs category.

So far he is the only Judoka from Guyana to make it to the Olympics - and his event will be the under 73kgs category.

May Awa Adaiahuli (the Great Holy Spirit) take you to London and bring you back to us safely, and as you compete in your events - be secure in the knowledge that the support and love of the ENTIRE Lokono-Arawak Tribal Nation - and indeed all of Guyana  is with you!

Sunday 10 June 2012


Thursday, May 21, 2009

I was fortunate in my second year course of Tribal Link (Project Access Global Capacity building for
Indigenous Peoples) May 2009 training in New York City - to meet Erity Teave, she is a member of
the Rapanui Parliament, and she descends from a long and distinguished line of freedom fighters of the
Rapanui People.

Erity is soft spoken and has a big heart, the minute you meet her you get a soothing sense of calm...a
gut feeling that if all the people in positions of power across the Earth were just like her - there would
be true equity, peace and justice in the world. I was excited to finally sit down and have an in-depth
conversation with Erity, for I had only read about the Rapanui in the pages of National Geographic
Magazines in my teen years, two decades ago. Erity calmly began to tell me the sad history of Rapanui,
one that mirrors my own Arawak People's sorrowful experiences after first welcoming strangers from
across the sea into our lands with open arms of friendship...only to have our world destroyed and
freedom banished in return.

Rapanui is 64 square miles in area, and is 3,800 km to the east of Tahiti, and 2,300 km to the west of
Chile, for 2000 years the Rapanui have lived on their island, all alone in the middle of the South Pacific
Ocean. Then on September 9th 1888 the Chilean Navy under Captain Toro, acting on the advice of the
Catholic Bishop of Tahiti, was sent to Rapanui to annex the island; Upon arrival the Chileans recorded
that the Rapanui gave them a friendly reception.

In 1889 the Chileans tricked the Rapanui King Arike Atamu to attend a meeting in Chile with the
President of that country, once the King reached Valparaiso in Chile - they poisoned him. A fraudulent
document (Civil Decree 590) was drawn up with the bogus signature of the King who did not know
either to read or write the alphabet - which surprisingly is still used by Chile to justify their illegal
annexation - and in this document the page is divided into two halves, to the left is a Spanish translation
of the Rapanui Kings words which read in English "We Rapanui welcome you as friends, we allow you
to stay on our land and trade with us as friends"...and on the Chilean government right half (which was
NOT translated to the King) it reads "We Rapanui agree to cede our island without reservation to the
state of Chile."

In an attempt to stress the point that their murdered King would have said no such thing - when
informed after the fact by the Chilean Navy - the astonished Rapanui tried to illustrate their point by
picking up a handful of soil and keeping it it their clenched fist - and up-rooting some grass and on
presenting it to the Chilean Navy told them - "as a friend you may use what the land produces for your
horses, sheep and cows, but the land will always belong to the Rapanui".

The William Balfour Company of England then 'legally' leased the entire island of Rapanui (including
the Rapanui people) for the rearing of 250,000 sheep - and rounded up the 'illegally squatting' Rapanui
and forcibly re-settled them in one small area of the island called Hangaroa, you might call it a forerunner
of the Nazi concentration camps or Soviet era Gulags, for if they attempted to leave the zone of
imprisonment the Rapanui were shot dead by Chilean Navy sailors; whether men, women or children -
no mercy was granted. Torture, rapes and all manner of evil including slave labor, were inflicted upon
the Rapanui in the Hangaroa camp; situated right next to the Chilean Governor's residence on the

In 1914 the Rapanui revolted and the Chilean Navy burned every Rapanui house and captured 36
Rapanui leaders - later releasing 35 of them, the principal leader was taken back to Chile in chains and
never saw his homeland or family again, dying - like the Great Apache Chief Geronimo of America - in
the custody of his oppressors; That great Rapanui martyr was Erity Teave's Great grandfather. His son,
Erity's grandfather continued the struggle, and succeeded in winning fishing rights back for the
Rapanui People. In 1954 the ignoble lease of Rapanui island to the William Balfour Company of
England expired, and then the Chilean Navy became the government appointed administrator of the

In 1964 the island had a Rapanui Mayor called Alfonso Rapu, and at this time Erity's father Juan
Chavez Teave was a young man who sought the only employment available which was in the Chilean
Navy, a telegraph came in while he was on duty - saying that a naval ship was on it's way to Rapanui
with orders to arrest the Mayor whom they deemed to be an opponent of the State of Chile. Erity's
father - like a loyal patriot to his people - secretly warned the Mayor and informed a then visiting
Canadian team of scientists (RAPAIMUN) of the plot - and they then provided a kind of insurance
policy of potentially informing the wider world should any harm come to the Mayor; thus these acts
saved the Mayor's life. Once the Canadian scientist departed the Rapanui had to lay low until the new
President Eduardo Frei was democratically elected in Chile, this President created a law which offered
some protection to the island, but still fell short of what could have been done by his administration.

In 1968 Juan Chavez Teave organized the first re-constituted Rapanui traditional Agricultural
In 1970 Leftist President Salvador Allende (1970-1973) was democratically elected in Chile, and was
generally good to the Rapanui, but still did not right crucial historic wrongs.
In 1973 the infamous General Augusto Pinochet overthrew Allende in a CIA backed coup and seized
power for himself.
In 1976 Erity's father Juan Chavez Teave, retired from the Chilean Navy and sued the state of Chile -
because the Chilean Air Force had illegally taken his father's land to build an Antenna, he won his case
in a surprising and rare instance of justice for indigenous people in the Supreme Court of Chile. Juan
Chavez Teave sued the state of Chile again in the 1980's to get the entire island back for the Rapanui
People - but the state responded instead by enacting laws which provided 15 hectares of land to each
Rapanui family (ie parents with children). Neo-Colonial States such as Chile still do not seem to
comprehend that it is NOT good enough for a thief to steal your entire house and then expect to be
congratulated when he tells you that you can have back your toilet. This Act does NOT return the
island to the collective ownership of the rightful landlords - who are the Rapanui People, and is merely
a more cunning form of re-colonization.

Erity's father was granted an audience with the then brutal Military dictator cum President of Chile
General Pinochet - who had recently outlawed the speaking of the Rapanui language on the island, and
it is Juan Chavez Teave who has gone down in history as being one of the bravest men to ever stand
before the tyrant and tell him to his face "There will never be born a man who can forbid me from
speaking my own language". The law was later rescinded.

In 1996 UNESCO declared Rapanui to be a patrimony of the World and of Humanity.
In 2001 The Rapanui Parliament, of which Erity Teave is a member, was formed. This noble and
democratic body will become the Government of Rapanui once their Sovereignty is restored in
accordance with International Human Rights Laws and Conventions concerning colonized indigenous

In 2006 Michelle Bachelet was democratically elected as the current President of the Republic of Chile.
It is the sincere hope of the 3,000 Rapanui alive today that Her Excellency President Bachelet will
prove to be the ONE Chilean politician with the vision, moral fibre and strength of character to use her
position of power and influence to accept and correct the heinous historical injustice inflicted on the
Sovereign people of Rapanui; and herself be honorably recorded by history as being a shinning
example to all countries worldwide - who seek to shed their backward colonialist ways, and join the
enlightened progressive states of the Earth who stand for all that is just, moral, and right to the
treatment of our fellow men.

President Bachelet - let the Rapanui People be free!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

At Tuesday morning's session at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues the Asia
Caucus exposed the atrocities committed by the Indo-Aryan government of the state of India - against
the Mongoloid peoples who's lands in the North-East of that country it illegally occupies, by means of
it's brutal military apparatus.

For a country set upon the road to Independence by the great pacifist Mahatma Ghandi - the State of
India has seemingly gone to great lengths to bring dishonor on his memory and nullify his noble life's
work by bullying weak opponents into submission like a schoolyard tout. India with 10 times the
population of Pakistan has fought 3 wars with this Muslim neighbor and only achieved 3 stalemates,
China invaded India decades ago and annexed 5% of the country with Indian forces powerless to do
anything about it, and as one famous retired Indian General turned author once wrote "India has never
won a real war"...perhaps this frustration at having 'one of the largest military's in Asia' yet STILL being
considered a feeble adversary by other regional powers has somehow compelled the Indians - like
juvenile delinquents - to take out their frustrations on opponents thousands of times weaker than
themselves...this might be the only way they deem that they can win an outright victory.

I wonder if any of my Indo-Aryan friends or in-laws know what their government has been up to, and
isn't it ironic that India tirelessly promotes a shockingly dishonest public image of itself throughout the
world as 'The greatest bastion of Democracy in Asia', and many in the western world have allowed
themselves to be deceived; more disturbingly - some states know the truth yet go along with the charade
so that their 'begging bowl' can be filled with Indian diplomatic relations, trade, grants, loans, and offers
of 'technical assistance and co-operation'. The State of India does not like the world to know that since
1826 Manipur WAS a sovereign state recognized by Great Britain and Burma in the 'Treaty of
Yandaboo', and again in 1947 (3 years BEFORE India had it's own Constitution!) the Manipur
Constitutional Act was passed into law - this was the FIRST Constitution of an Independent country in
all of south Asia, in the Manipur Constitution the Manipuri King was a Constitutional Monarch and the
Constituent Assembly Parliament was the government; only joint decisions by the King and Constituent
Assembly were legally valid. In 1949 on October 15th - Indian armed forces invaded Manipur, they
forced the Manipuri King alone at gunpoint to sign a 'Manipur Merger Agreement' with India (at a time
when India itself did not even have a constitution of it's own!) - and this legally worthless (NEVER cosigned
as is legally required by the constituent Assembly of Manipur) piece of paper is to this day what
the state of India uses to justify the past 60 years of it's immoral and tyrannical reign over Manipur -
which they deem as merely 'a troubled region of India'.

Retired Legal experts from the World Court in the Hague all concur that the De-facto Indian annexation
of Manipur was an international war crime, and further assert that the Indian constitution of 1950
CANNOT supersede the preexisting Manipur constitution of 1947.

But the Manipuris have never stopped resisting the Indian war machine, and the brave freedom fighters
of the People's Liberation Army, the Manipur People's Army and several others - continue to put up a
spirited defense of their Manipur motherland against the Indian foreign invaders. The Indian security
Forces have recently acquired un-manned aerial reconnaissance vehicles from the State of Israel, and
these are being used in conjunction with the so-called 'Peaceful Indian Satellite Program' - to spy on
Manipur 24 hours a day in all weather conditions; and rendering detailed photographs with a resolution
of up to one metre above ground level - even through cloud cover! Manipur still has extensive forested
mountains and valleys however, and these are still safe areas for the guerrillas.

There was a time up to very recently, when Manipuris were not permitted to have mobile phones, but
this official policy was ended when the Indian Security Forces realized that they could use their
officially peaceful space program to intercept and track the freedom fighters mobile phone signals and
assassinate them as the opportunity presented itself. It is no wonder then that mobile phones are quite
legal now - and are actively encouraged with a very exceptional; network of cell towers blanketing much
of Manipur...graciously provided by the magnanimous State of India. The united Nations special
rapporteur on Human Rights visited India with the objective of going to Manipur to investigate
persistent reports of human rights abuses, but he was not allowed to enter Manipur - the excuse told him
by the Government of India was that his 'safety could not be guaranteed'.

Concerned readers should note that on the other side of the over-extended state of India, just off the
South West Coast of the sub-continent - are the Andaman Islands. These islands are the ancient lands
and territories of the indigenous Negroid peoples still clinging to survival there, and the Andaman
islanders ALSO view the same Indo-Aryan dominant ethnic group from India as being the foreigners
who invaded and colonized THEIR traditional lands and who are responsible for the destruction of their
cultures; and to the gradual extinction of them as distinct indigenous peoples.

I was sickened to watch (outside of the UN) smuggled footage of clearly uniformed Indo-Aryan Indian
Security Forces in Manipur and Nagaland committing atrocities on unarmed indigenous Mongoloid
civilian men, women and children. So let the truth be known, the State of India is just another deceptive
Neo-colonial aggressor - and a deadly infectious plague in the lives of South Asia's indigenous Peoples,
like so many other ignoble regimes in the world. Like many others, including in my home region of the
Caribbean and Latin America, it is a state who's dominant ethnic group embarked on the road to their
own liberation as freedom fighters themselves against European Colonial oppressors - only to put on
their departed former masters attire and worldview, and in turn re-colonized indigenous peoples within
their own inherited artificial political boundaries.

I leave you with my own humble words or warning:
"NO ethnic group has a legal or moral right to leave their own indigenous lands and territories
and colonize the lands and territories of ANY other indigenous ethnic group....and once this great
injustice has been committed and unrepentantly maintained on your fellow man - you have sown
the seeds of your own future destruction....for so end all tyrants."

BATWA People of Uganda - and the repercussions of reckless conservation

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"The world has either failed to understand or the world is not informed about our suffering". That is a
direct quote from my Batwa brother from Uganda, we met in Alaska at the first Global Indigenous
Conference on Climate Change that we attended, I had heard him speak passionately about his people,
and later invited him to join the Pan-Tribal Confederacy - which he accepted.

The Batwa were forcibly removed from their traditional lands in the forests of Uganda in 1991 by the
then government of Uganda, all in the name of foreign conceptualized 'National parks for the Gorillas';
so the Gorillas were protected and the Batwa were evicted. The Government had no contingency plan
for the Batwa, they had to find a way to survive in an alien urban environment, fighting for crumbs as
the landless and the homeless.

Before their world was destroyed the Batwa were hunter-gatherers, and they used to depend on the
forest for survival - including medicinal herbs. since the eviction the Batwa have became beggars,
scattered and marginalized, frequently discriminated against, they cannot socially interact with others.
Health care is often denied to them, education is limited to non-existent, and the Batwa rarely get an
honest wage for their labor in comparison to other Ugandans.

Deplorable housing, poor sanitation, low self-confidence, no representation in Ugandan society,
insufficient food, and no rights in any areas including Judicially. It is no wonder then that the few
Batwa Children who DO become enrolled in school drop out at an early age due to all the above
mitigating factors, and Batwa girls tend to get married at an unnecessarily young age; generally at the
onset of puberty in many instances. Lack of clothing also contributes to the discrimination they face in
the urban context. To make matters worse - due to their severe poverty non-Batwa peoples use this
state of desperation to employ Batwa workers and pay them less than anyone else; or simply give them
a little food for their hard work. It has reached the sad state today - that Batwa have resorted to dancing
and begging in the cities and towns to be able to obtain sustenance.

Perhaps, the members of the esteemed boards of directors of the many noble conservation organizations
of the world - should give a thought to the human tragedies that may result from their well intentioned,
but clearly inadequately enacted (in this case) projects in areas with indigenous populations. Alas, it is
too late to erase the grief the Batwa have endured in the haste to protect the Gorillas at all costs, we can
only hope now that his Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, will use his tremendous power
and influence, to right this terrible wrong inflicted on the Batwa, and show the world that the new
progressive government of Uganda under his able leadership - is fully compliant with the United
Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the International Convention on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination; and CAN give hope, dignity and justice back to the Indigenous
Batwa People of Uganda.

My Controversial Report on the 3rd Indigenous Leaders Summit of the Americas held in Panama Central America April 14-15th 2009

The 1st Indigenous Leaders Summit of the Americas was held in 2001 in Ottawa, Canada, North
America, the second was in 2005 in Buenos Aires, Argentina; South America, and the 3rd was just
concluded on April 15th 2009 in Panama City, Panama; Central America
Controversy tends to follow anything that seeks to advance the long denied rights of the Indigenous
Peoples of the Americas - a Hemisphere that with the sole exception of Bolivia (which FINALLY has
an Indigenous President and government) - STILL suffers to varying degrees under Colonialism &
Neo-Colonialism - 517 years AFTER the arrival of Columbus and the ensuing Genocide, Ethnocide and
Ecocide he (and subsequent Euro-centric plunderers) unleashed in the 'New World'.

At the opening ceremony held in a conference room at the Hotel Riande Continental in Panama City on
April 14th 2009 the opening prayer was said by a respected elder of the local Kuna Tribal Nation.
The influential leader Mrs. Beverly Jacobs of the Native Womens' Association of Canada, was the first
speaker to address the 100+ Indigenous Leaders from North, South, Central America and the Caribbean

This was followed by a video address by his Excellency Jose Miguel Insulza - Secretary General of the
Organization of American States (OAS), and this was presented on his behalf by her Excellency
Abigail Castro de Perez - Ambassador and representative of the OAS in Panama.

The Third speaker was her Excellency Patricia Lagan-Torrel - Ambassador of Canada to the the
Republic of Panama; the governments of Canada, the USA, and Spain provided funds to make the 3rd
ILSA possible and the OAS provided logistical support in no small part by tireless workers such as Mr.
Luis Toro and Ms. Jessica Grebeldinger - both great friends to the cause of Indigenous rights.

Fourth to speak was the well known indigenous Lawyer Hector Huertas of the Kuna Tribal Nation of
Panama, and one of the key points he raised was the fact that "Everyone must realize that the United
Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is a 'minimum standard' - not a be-all and end-all
for the inherent and undeniable rights of Indigenous Peoples of the world; so the American
declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples (still being created) CANNOT fall below the rights
enshrined in the UN declaration - which is global in scope".
* Readers should note that the UN declaration being referred to was passed by a vote of support of
every UN member state EXCEPT the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia - but soon thereafter
the Australian government changed and the new administration quickly adopted the Declaration
leaving 3 isolated 'Democratic hypocrisies' still in opposition.

Fifth and last to speak was the veteran respected Grand Chief Edward John - political executive of the First
Nations Assembly (of Canada) Task Group, and he provided a wealth of information to the appreciative
audience gathered, but his most memorable statement - and one that reverberated around the room to
enthusiastic support was when he thundered: "This 'Human Prosperity' theme of the OAS Heads of State
Summit to follow us immediately in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago CANNOT be implemented for the
benefit of the non-indigenous citizens of the OAS states at the expense of OUR Indigenous peoples - because for far too long that is EXACTLY what has been happening!".
The Grand chief went on to state "We have taken 40 cases against the government of Canada to the
Supreme Court of Canada and we have won ALL of them, yet the government of Canada still refuses
to comply with the rulings of their own Supreme Court!"

As I sat in the audience, as a Barbadian by birth of Guyanese Lokono-Arawak descent, and cognizant
of the fact that I was part of the planning committee for this 3rd indigenous Leaders Summit of the
Americas and head of the communications sub-committee (my tenure expired as of 6.30pm on April
15th 2009 when the Summit officially ended), I was saddened to hear that the Governments of
Colombia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil - were still frustrating the efforts of the Indigenous Caucus in
the draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People's process, when I had attended the
last OAS session in Washington DC a few months ago the USA and Canada had dropped out of the
process entirely - which is an act guaranteed to sabotage any progress we hope to make on that front
due to the 'Consensus' requirement within the OAS.

The undemocratic 'Consensus' is the De-facto modus operandi among OAS states, this 'consensus'
system requires that every state must be in complete agreement with EVERYTHING being proposed to
be adopted by the OAS - otherwise it is ultimately rejected.
This might sound almost noble in theory to those who do not have to face 'semantic skulduggery' - for
time and time again we see certain states using the most petty and ridiculous arguments such as the
placement of a comma or hyphen etc. to say "We do not agree with the placement of the comma in that
sentence so we cannot support the text being proposed." Thereby ensuring that our efforts are frustrated
by ever more delays and 'consensus' cannot be reached so the indigenous rights we are fighting so hard
for are denied once again.
To further expose the 'consensus' deception - it would be akin to not allowing any American
presidential candidate to win office unless 100% of all votes cast were for a particular candidate....I ask
you - is that what you call democracy? Is is truly absurd for the countries who traverse the globe
meddling in other countries internal affairs in the name of 'Championing democracy' to be the SAME
countries who do their utmost to ensure that a majority vote democratic process is NOT allowed to
exist within the OAS system.

In truth and in fact the 'Consensus' system being forced by the powerful in the OAS - was devised
specifically to ensure that the Neo-Colonial States of the Americas (not their willing or unwilling
citizenry) are ALWAYS in a position to dictate their self-serving agendas to those they consider to be
their 'subjects'.
With the exception of Guyana, the Caribbean States disrespectful lack of interest and attendance at the
vast majority of OAS sessions concerning Indigenous Peoples of our Hemisphere is another disturbing
factor in our quest to eventually see the American Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples
officially and legally come into existence, for we foresee a worrying scenario whereby the Caribbean
States (who in large part are dependent in one way or another on the USA and Canada) being strong-armed
into voting AGAINST our declaration by using the argument that "They are not sufficiently
informed to make a decision in support of the Declaration"....if the Caribbean states would wake up and
show some interest and make the same effort as ALL the Latin American States have been for many
years - they would know enough to make an informed decision - of course this would require
Caribbean governments to ACTUALLY care about Indigenous Peoples, a falsehood they are fond of
publicly stating - but in my opinion - based on their actions is not yet the case in reality.

Take a critical look at the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago as but one example, they are holding the
5th Summit of the Americas - yet the government of Trinidad and Tobago STILL refuses to officially
grant their Indigenous 'Carib' People (the only ones they 'officially' recognize) even 1 square foot of land titled to them - and this is land that in reality - and according to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples which the Government of Trinidad and Tobago voted to approve - has belonged to the Carib (and other indigenous Trinidadian) people BEFORE any of the Colonial era ethnic groups who all came subsequently and usurped the traditional territories of the Carib People (same can be said of the Red Caribs of Sandy Bay in St. Vincent).

Take a glance at Suriname - who's constitution does NOT even recognize the existence of the 20,000+
Indigenous Amerindians in that country! Do you think any Caribbean head of State has ever raised this
glaring injustice being perpetrated by the government of Suriname on it's native peoples in violation of
International Laws and Human Rights Conventions? Not a word from any of them, their CARICOM
heads of state cocktail party get-together's is of far more importance obviously.Verily, we take
hypocrisy to unprecedented levels in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
In the 90+ paragraphs of the OAS 5th Heads of State Summit Declaration only TWO have passing
references (not even entire paragraphs)to the Indigenous peoples of the Americas, one about Education,
and the other about Health...what does this tell you about the 'equitable treatment' these two-faced
politicians claim to want for their 'indigenous brothers and sisters'?.
The Indigenous Caucus of the Americas is only being permitted one brief address to the OAS Heads of
State - then like dutiful servants we must leave the room, not even being permitted to sit as official
observers as we were granted in previous OAS Summits.

Our ONLY hope now is that full blooded Amerindian President Evo Morales of Bolivia or President
Hugo Chavez of Venezuela - who is of mixed Amerindian descent, will use their time at the podium to
remind the world that we Indigenous STILL exist, that the conquest of the Americas has NOT yet
ended, and neither has our resistance to it!

There is a glimmer of hope for the future - because in the legal apparatus of the OAS a simple majority
democratic vote CAN be held to pass a document such as the Draft American Declaration on the rights
of Indigenous Peoples - IF 'weaker' countries are willing to stand-up to the high and mighty in our
Hemisphere and make that Clarion call for such a vote.

It was not always this way, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda gave up it's seat to the Indigenous
Caucus many years ago and very early in the process - an act which allowed us to have a seat at the
table and raise our issues, and the Government of Dominica's UN Ambassador Gregoire tirelessly made
the rounds in the UN general assembly to champion Indigenous Rights and garner support for the UN
Declaration which was eventually passed!

We shall see which of our leaders today actually has some courage and sense of justice.


Date: Friday, May 22, 2009

I had intended to write about my roommate Esteban Urquizu Cuellar of Bolivia tonight, some kind of
insightful look into his soul, but Esteban speaks very little English, and my Spanish is quite rusty.
I know he came here to the United Nations Permanent Forum thanks to Tribal Link as I have, but not
too much else about the man, nevertheless I heard him talk at length (albeit in Spanish) about the plight
of Indigenous Bolivians in Sucre Province, the only part of Bolivia that cringed at the thought of an
'Indian' becoming the President when Evo Morales Ayma won office.

In the west - the media (mostly American) leads viewers - especially those who have never traveled to
Bolivia - to believe that what is going on in Sucre Province is nothing more than a 'Socialist Coca
promoting President trying to usurp the rights of the decent hardworking Spaniard descendant business
community there'.

For clarity I will refer to the Oligarchy and Plantocracy in Bolivia as being 'Ethnic Spaniards', let's call
a spade a spade, they maintain homes and bank accounts back in the 'old country' (ie Spain) and are
quite proud of their Conquistador ancestors, lastly they still look every bit the Spaniard biologically
speaking, and as I am fond of saying "If I take an Indian Elephant to England and it gives birth - does
the offspring then become an English Elephant?" The answer is no - it does not, it becomes merely an
Indian Elephant that was born in England. A word to the wise is good enough.

Ladies and gentlemen, no better a deception could have been engineered by the CIA themselves! I
have been to Bolivia twice, I have traveled around the country, and I was the ONLY person from the
Caribbean region invited to be in the audience at the Presidential Palace when President Morales
Nationalized the Natural Gas Companies in Bolivia in 2007; in any fair-minded person's opinion it was
quite justified, it is obscene for a company to extract the natural resources of a poor country and pay the
host nation mere cents on every dollar they earn in the process.

Concerning Coca, I chewed Coca leaves and trust me - there is nothing more 'sinister' gained from it
than the abation of hunger pangs, it saved me some money as I did not need to eat as often, also I was
one of the few members of the OAS Indigenous Caucus invited to Bolivia who did NOT suffer altitude
sickness during my stay over 9,000 feet above sea level there....I attribute this to the Coca leaves I
chewed daily.

Coca leaves are NOT the same thing as 'Cocaine', only in the mind of an idiot is this the case, Coca
leaves are merely an ingredient like many other harmless ingredients that can be artificially combined
with others to make deadly substances; or popular drinks - did you know several tons of Coca leaves
are exported from Bolivia to make Coca-Cola each year? I thought not. Can't be bringing disrepute to
an American tradition now can we, save the smear campaign for those whom we can't get to join our
'New World Order puppet show'(Like Evo Morales).

I don't recall any Western Media reporting on the fact that the proud Spaniard descendant governor of
Sucre owns 90% of the land in his province? Then again, that might remind people of the inherited
unjust privileges of the Conquistador's progeny who still leech out a living from the backs of
indigenous Bolivians on the lands their Spaniard descendants stole in the first place 5 centuries ago! I
fear too that if the fact that ALL privately owned TV stations in Bolivia are owned by ethnic Spaniards
became a publicly know fact in the West might realize that perhaps that is why all the news
reports emanating from those same stations give a decidedly distorted view of the reality on the ground
- portraying the 'savage natives' against the 'innocent ruling class' where have I heard that script

In summation, I daresay the 60 minutes of video footage in my possession which very vividly shows
the true nature of the rabidly racist ethnic Spaniards in Sucre Province Bolivia, scene after scene of
Indigenous men, women and children - this includes the very old and very young - being spat upon,
racially insulted ('Dirty Indian Dog' and the like), kicked, whipped, beaten with planks of wood,
punched, slapped in the face etc, while the flag of the red Cross of good old Spain flies nobly overhead
as the rainbow flag of the Indigenous Andeans is publicly burned to wild chants of "Kill Evo!",
"Stinking Indians!" etc are chanted by those whom I think bear out my justifications for referring to
them as Ethnic Spaniards -for they most certainly are NOT genuine Bolivians. The saddest aspect of
the footage I just watched was that it was not only male ethnic Spaniards doing these heinous acts to
battered and bloody Indigenous civilians, their wives and children were right there alongside them
partaking with gusto, verily I last saw such racist hatred in the eyes of European descendant mobs in
American Civil Rights era footage my old headmaster showed us at Secondary School history class in
Barbados when I was but a lad myself.

I can assure you of this much, had it been little white faces bloodied and sobbing kicked around like
rag-dolls in the streets of Sucre Bolivia - instead of the brown and red Indigenous children's faces I just
saw - the Western World would be OUTRAGED and the coverage and media attention would blanket the airwaves!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

PARAKUYO of Tanzania Cry Out for Justice

Sunday, May 24, 2009 7:48 AM

The Parakuyo (aka Baraguyu) are a small tribe of pastoralists in Tanzania numbering about 3,000
souls. They live in five provinces of Tanzania, and I am disheartened to report - they are being
victimized by a larger neighboring Indigenous tribe in their country with the support of a few heartless
politicians operating in a covert manner unknown to the honorable President of Tanzania.

The much larger tribe are farmers, and are being encouraged by certain politicians to illegally
appropriate the Parakuyo's traditional lands. Parakuyo women have been raped, and their men have
been murdered, when the Parakuyo communities affected by hostile acts perpetrated by the larger
encroaching tribe call on the authorities to intervene - the police arrive in lorries and confiscate ALL
the Parakuyo livestock instead - accusing the Parakuyo of 'inciting the trouble'. This unjust 'modus
operandi' leaves the Parakuyu devoid of animals - which are the traditional source of wealth and status
in their society and they then become destitute. Parakuyo families are actually starving to death in some
instances as a result of being reduced to poverty by these tactics.

Another stumbling block the Parakuyo face, is one similar to the Ogiek in neighboring Kenya, namely - the fact that no community members are government officials - and neither do they have any close contacts or alliances with any politicians - who tend to see the larger ethnic groups as being more useful (more votes) to support. Few Parakuyo have received a 'formal' education, and even then - it tends to be at the primary level only, rarely beyond.

Cognizant of the fact that the Parakuyo situation is in direct violation of the United Nations Declaration
on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination, and in my capacity as the leader of the Pan-Tribal Confederacy of Indigenous Tribal
Nations - which has welcomed the Parakuyo Tribe into our arms, hearts and minds, I am therefore
requesting - via the international media - that his Excellency President Mhe. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete,
urgently intervene in this shameful situation in his country and ensure that these gross violations of the
human rights of the Parakuyo Indigenous People are halted, and the following actions are subsequently
(a) That the Parakuyo are officially recognized as the 129th indigenous tribe of Tanzania.
(b) That the Parakuyo are granted official and non-revocable communal land titles by the government
of Tanzania.